5 Thought Friday

Happy Friday to all! I have now gone over two months without watching the news on television. It’s totally energizing to read the news you decide vs. the bombardment of negativity from televised news. If you start or end your day watching the news on TV, try a week without it and notice the difference in how you feel.

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing or listening to:

  • “The Power (The Secret Book 2)” Rhonda Byrne; Kindle Edition.

  • This book is a followup to The Secret I blogged about two weeks back. While I know these two books are slightly older, I still found them to be of interest for those of us attempting to change our mental state from negative to positive.

  • The Power scored a 4.8 with over 3,000 ratings on Amazon, which is really impressive. I definitely found it worthy of a read.

2.       What is Trending in Technology, Science or Similar:

  • I cannot resist the science behind Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s longevity and health recommendations. Now, combine her work with the Joe Rogan Experience and it’s a must watch podcast.

  • Check out minute 30:00 to 55:00 on the need for Vitamin D, especially when we do not get much sun (like most of us)!

  • Minutes 1:55:00 to 2:25:00 on saunas is really good.

  • Minutes 2:50:00 onward on sleep is awesome and is one of the foundations of SleepMindHeart (sleeping well for health and being your best self)

  • I was able to watch at 1.75x and still get the beneficial data from Dr. Patrick.

3.       Wellness ideas to Consider:

  • I wrote a follow up article on how to get 10 times return on your invested time if you follow the below 5 life tasks. Check out the article HERE!

    • eating a diet high in plants and low in fats

    • exercising at a moderate to vigorous level for several hours a week

    • maintaining a healthy body weight

    • not smoking

    • consuming no more than one alcoholic drink a day for women and two for men

      Alice Parks, Time Magazine January 2018

Laughable when you visually see how little time is needed to stay healthy.  Invest just 2% of your time and get back 10x health span in return!

Laughable when you visually see how little time is needed to stay healthy. Invest just 2% of your time and get back 10x health span in return!

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Irene and I were able to get to MacauSoul for our Portuguese wine tasting night and we were not disappointed with the ambiance, service and great selection of wines.

  • If we are going to live long, we need to consume healthy food but also have the short breaks to experience life and deepen our relationships. We recommend the Quinta do Crasto Touriga Nacional 2010 or 2011.

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “You are meant to have an amazing life! You are meant to have everything you love and desire. Your work is meant to be exciting, and you are meant to accomplish all the things you would love to accomplish. Your relationships with your family and friends are meant to be filled with happiness…..” Rhonda Byrne, The Power (The Secret Book 2) Kindle Edition.

  • The list of the things you are meant to have go on and on. You simply need to harness the power of positivity and love within yourself. I have to remind myself of this on those “off” days, but hoping its a good reminder to all of you too!

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday