My Clients Say it Best !!!

“My coaching with Mike has enlightened and illuminated my way of living at work, at home and with those I care dearly. It helped me shine a new light on my thinking and being. I couldn’t recommend it enough to those who seek and pursue more accomplishment, more joy and more fullness in life.

— Victoria, USA

“The experience with Mike has been extremely rewarding from a personal as well as a professional perspective.

The reason the coaching has had such an impact on my life is that everything comes from me, from within – Mike simply facilitated the process and allowed me to become aware of what I needed to grow and succeed in any area of my life.

Mike helped put the power back in my life through the choices and decisions I made and gave me tools to keep moving forward long after the coaching was complete.

A truly worthwhile experience that gave me an incredible platform to build from.”

— Mark H., South Africa

“I worked with Mike in his coaching program to help me to set goals related to my lifestyle. I was able to create lifestyle habits that I have had difficulties keeping before.  Mike is proactive, pragmatic, thoughtful, and has an upbeat manner. 

It was overall a very pleasant experience and I am very grateful for that.”

— Irene W., Hong Kong

“I have to say this is a wonderful journey. There are many things that happened during my coaching sessions. I went through how to integrate into the new company, rebuild relationships with a new team, and deal with a family member that passed away. But Mike always presented himself to me with a patient and calm and warm smile. His powerful questions make me feel at peace. It makes me look inside, breathe deeply, and think deeply. The way he listened and raised the question let me know that there are many answers in my mind and hands. With his encouragement, I understand that I can't go back and change the beginning, but I can start where I am and change the end.”

— Angela, Shanghai

“Mike has been instrumental in my growth as an individual. From the very beginning, his calming presence established a safe and non-judgmental environment for me to explore my journey at my own pace.

He elegantly navigates between insightful questioning and attentive listening which allowed me to explore my journey with excitement and enthusiasm instead of the fear and confusion I came to him with.

We started out working on my self-confidence and it became evident after the first session that not only would he get me there, but he would go over and beyond the call of duty and help me discover layers of myself that I had never imagined to find. I never leave a session without feeling like I can take over the world!

Even after the 2nd session, I was recommending him to colleagues and friends.”

— Jenn C., Japan

The Future Holds Possibilities


Climb New Heights

  • Amplify your life…

  • Elevate your happiness…

  • Increase your energy level…

  • Extend your healthspan!

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Be Curious…

What’s around the corner? With the proper vision, plan, and positive focus you can determine what the future holds.


See Past the Mist

What are the possibilities?

What is holding you back?