5 Thought Friday
The team started having a discussion this week about preparing for the 2021 budget…..and nothing fulfills the hopes, dreams and aspirations of an accountant more than talk about budgets (smile)!
Here are a few Friday thoughts:
1. What I am currently reading/viewing:
“The Secret” Rhonda Byrne (recommended by Jennifer Lienhard)
The book’s thesis is that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, and happiness. The book also goes on to say that negative thoughts are powerful enough to create illness, poverty and even widespread disasters.
I believe in the power of positive visualization, which allows you to gravitate towards your planned life goals and experiences.
I wrote about my personal experiences with the power of positive thinking and visualization HERE.
2. What is Trending in Finance/Business/Technology/Science:
Hubble Telescope photo taken this past week, which speaks for itself. Read the full article by clicking on the photo. For the record, I still cannot comprehend the part of the article noting the blue gas in the left is from a star 200,000 times brighter than the sun!
Compliments of NASA, ESA and STScI
3. Wellness ideas to Consider:
Irene and I went out to a birthday lunch with friends last weekend and we decided to spend a majority of the time listening. I really learned a lot more about the people at the lunch, which will help build better relationships in the future.
It is really an amazing skill to listen and I have a long way to go to consider myself an expert. However, I am striving to improve this skill daily.
I caught THIS humorous article by James Altucher about how we should “Shut Up” and thought it was a great way to improve yourself by listening, if you look past the sarchasm.
4. What I‘m eating, drinking, buying or whatever else is on my mind:
Today’s Wildcard:
OmniPork; Hong Kong based vegan meat substitute from ParknShop (or Supreme)
Irene made spicy Mapo Tofu using OmniPork and it was really delicious, especially with some Cup Lettuce pieces as tortilla shells
Now, is OmniPork healthy? Well, the jury is still out with meat substitutes since there is not enough data available. While this specific selection seems to be fairly healthy, there are still a few ingredients / additives that do not appear natural….so bottom line, I wouldn’t eat it too often. However, it intuitively seems better than eating actual pork meat from a pig and it’s surely much more environmentally friendly.
5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:
“Your life is in your hands. No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously choose your thoughts, and you can change your life. There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstance of your life can change!”
Byrne, Rhonda. The Secret (p. 19); Kindle Edition.
Happy Friday! BTW, I received feedback that a white background and black text was better than vise versa, so I tried it out. Again, any feedback would be great to help me improve the website.