5 Thought Friday

I did a 24 hour fast on Monday, so why not continue with more benefits of fasting! I am also mentally preparing for a 7-day fast in the near future.

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

  • The Complete Guide to Fasting; Dr. Jason Fung

  • Improve your health, cure ailments and increase your health span through fasting. Believe it!

  • 3 years on a ketogenic diet, 1 year of intermittent fasting, several 3+day fasts and numerous 1 - 2 day fasts …. and I have always felt better after!

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Grateful to add a beautiful, healthy baby girl to the extended Santangelo family this week. My nephew, also named Michael Santangelo, and his wife Michelle had a very lucky baby; 8 pounds, 8.8 ounces….888 - how lucky is that for all those familiar with Chinese lore!

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • Two great fasting podcasts (both at 1.75x speed):

    • Dr. Jason Fung; Reversing Type 2 diabetes in < 1 month and many other benefits of fasting outlined

    • Dr. Alan Goldhamer; The crazy benefits of water-only fasting. This podcast is with Rich Roll, world class athlete solely fueled by a plant based diet

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Peninsula Hotel Mooncakes!

  • OK, this totally does not belong on this blog, but it’s the Mid-Autumn Festival. So far, only two bites for me but it’s so heavenly good!

2020_09_25 Peninsula Mooncakes.jpg

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “Most people expect that a period of fasting will leave them feeling tired and drained of energy. However, the vast majority of people experience the exact opposite: they feel energized and revitalized during fasting.” Dr. Jason Fung - The Complete Guide to Fasting (p. 49)

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday