5 Thought Friday

This December has been quite eventful around the holidays, which is completely uplifting! Here are 5 thoughts for the week:

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

  • Tim Ferriss Q&A on Anything: Great podcast but if you have only a short amount of time, I listened at 2x speed, and here are a few important times:

    • Min 8:50 to 12:00: Sleep hack recommendations. There were a few that were new to me such as getting more Omega 3 (EPA form from cold-water small fish, algae, or supplements) and not drinking coffee first thing in the morning.

    • Min 16:20 - 20:00: Learning something quickly using the DS3 method: Deconstruction, Selection (80/20 rule - material beats method), Sequencing (order to apply study); Stakes (encouragement or cost of not succeeding). See Tim’s article on learning a new language quickly.

    • Min 25:00 - 27:00: What do we need to be our best selves. Optimism and Resilience.

    • Min 44:00 - 47:30: What Tim learned about getting out of the mainstream and self-reflecting. I love the comment on “deep relationships” and who he wants to spend time with….how important is that for most of us?!

    • Min 57:00 - 58:00: Get outside and do 2 minutes of exercise in the sun. This changes his entire mood each day.

    • Min 1:03:00 - 1:07:00: What is most important when creating a blog/podcast, writing a book, etc. First, find what will benefit you (“I win”) and enjoy, not what you think others want. I loved this because it is why I write this blog and do my nutrition and life coach training…it benefits me and I enjoy it. It is an added benefit if others get value.

    • Min 1:37:00 1:40:30-: How do I stop being so worried about the future and enjoy life. He recommended reading the Tail End by Tim Urban, which I have done several times and re-read just now…It is awesome, funny, and an inspiration to some of my writing.

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Grateful for all the wonderful greetings from friends and family on my recent birthday and wedding anniversary, which adds to the holiday festivities. Here is my beautiful wife and I enjoying our wedding anniversary with amazing Italian food and wine!

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • The photo in #2 brings me to an important concept about overall health and wellness when it comes to food, which I was reminded of in my Precision Nutrition certification course.

  • The impact of food is not simply WHAT you eat. Other important factors to consider for overall life and health balance:

    • How you eat: Are you eating slowly and mindfully while enjoying the smell, taste, and textures of your food.

    • When you eat: Are you eating late at night just before bed or rushing to eat first thing in the morning?

    • Where you eat: Are you eating in your car, at your desk, or always on the run … or enjoying it around the table or in a relaxing environment with family and friends being in the present moment.

    • Why you eat: Are you eating just to satisfy a craving or are you eating with a sense of overall purpose around your energy levels, wellness, relationships, longevity, etc.?

    • and lastly, WHO you eat with: Food is meant to be enjoyed and celebrated with others. Remind yourself of this day-to-day when you want to connect more deeply with those most important to you!

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Eating more protein!

  • Data keeps pointing to eating protein to build more lean muscle and lose weight. So I’m experimenting with adding 50 to 60g of protein per day to my diet.

  • How: Added chicken breasts, grass-fed meat, Japanese organic eggs, more salmon/sardines, etc. Because of my active lifestyle, I also take pea protein for easier time management.

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “You CAN get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.” Hillary DiPiano, Playwright/Author

  • I saw this quote and thought of the new year approaching (both western and Chinese New Year). Learn from your past failures and have the self-realization that by focusing on a positive vision for the future, we CAN feel excited about our opportunities. Just because you may have failed in the past, does not mean that assumption is true for the future.

  • Let’s all make 2022 bigger and brighter than 2021. The past won’t mind at all.

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday