5 Thought Friday

I made a conscious choice not to prepare my 5 Thought Friday newsletter for the past several weeks.  I was traveling for the first time in nearly 3 years and wanted my full mental and emotional energy focused on my family and friends.  The trip was not about a travel experience but about connecting deeper with the most important individuals in my life.  It was also a journey to find closure with my mother who passed away in November 2021 while I was overseas.

The trip took me from Macau (China) to Hong Kong and then across the USA from the west coast (San Diego, California) to the east coast (Boston, Massachusetts) and several cities in between.  The time traveling allowed me to reflect on myself and my life purpose more intensely, so here are 15 thoughts (5 thoughts x 3 weeks) I generated during my travels. 

  1. We can choose to show up positively energetic each day to inspire others

  2. Treat people with compassion and kindness along your journey; its fantastically rewarding

  3. Friends and family provide amazing support systems during travel; just make sure you pay it forward

  4. Eat your favorite foods without remorse but take note, you can actually eat too much fried chicken

  5. Have empathy for those less fortunate and understand they did not ask for their situation in life.  They may be trying their best to turn it around.

  6. Dropping “judgment” of people or situations increases one’s energy level and gives freedom to your mind

  7. How we approach activities and conversations each day and each moment impacts others; be your best self!

  8. Stay physically and mentally active on your travels; it brings energy and joy

  9. Traveling has many uncontrollable twists – take it one day at a time and pivot when unexpected situations arise.

  10. Approach your own mind with curiosity and kindness.  There will be many thoughts that come and go, so treat yourself and your own mind as if it’s a friend you are helping

  11. How you and your spouse interact in a motor vehicle, especially in new cities, does not define your overall relationship.

  12. Actively listen and be curious about others - your spouse, children, grandchildren, siblings, friends, or even your bartender; It’s incredible what you will learn about them.

  13. Pinball vs. Pottery: Both are extremely fun but pinball gets the nod

  14. Find time to coach and mentor others; it evokes joy and inspiration.

  15. Cherish, adore, support, and spend time with individuals when they are alive.  It makes it so much easier to accept the impermanence of life when they pass

Happy Fridays past!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday