5 Thought Friday

I am currently in quarantine in Macau for 10 days, which I renamed “solitude” to utilize the time for peaceful reflection. As Pablo Picasso wrote, “without great solitude, no serious work is possible”, so with that here are 5 Thoughts for the week:

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

  • Energy Leadership; Bruce D. Schneider

  • Bruce is the founder of the life coaching school I attended, so fitting to read his latest book on Energy Leadership.

  • The book is the basic framework on how to:

    • Recognize the seven distinct levels of energy that are the key to understanding why everyone thinks and acts the way they do.

    • Achieve peak performance by exploring the six factors that influence your energy and implementing specific techniques to shift energy in the moment.

    • Identify what blocks and diminishes your energy and discover proven strategies for overcoming these and other obstacles to success.

    • Become more powerful and effective in all aspects of your life.

    • Motivate yourself and others to reach their full potential.

  • Fairly bold statements but after coaching a few clients in Energy Leadership and applying it myself, it works!

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Grateful for the heartfelt hospitality of friends and co-workers during my quarantine (solitude). It has made the time pass by so graciously! Thank you, everyone.

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • Resistance Bands for a hotel room workout. Of course, I have my bands in quarantine to keep me mentally active by being physically active.

  • I found THIS great article that will be helpful to anyone who wants to get a workout in their small condo or hotel room when traveling.

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Figs: A beautiful and delicious gift from some close friends while in quarantine.

  • Check out the benefits HERE including better digestion, heart health, and healthier skin (which some of you know, I’m all about that!)

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “Without great solitude, no serious work is possible.” Pablo Picasso

  • This was an inspiring quote for my quarantine period, which I reframed to the term “solitude” to allow mental relaxation to flow.

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday