5 Thought Friday

I am traveling today for the first time since the pandemic started in late 2019 to see my family. There is so much written about how the pandemic has impacted individuals both physically and mentally during the past 2.5 years. Therefore, I wanted to board the flight today leaving these 5 thoughts for the week focusing on what I learned about myself during the pandemic:

  1. Spending my valuable and precious energy focusing on what I can control paid tremendous dividends.

  2. Meditating daily and writing consistently in a gratitude journal provided me with a sense of calm and joy

  3. Connecting with family on video chats, while not ideal, was critical to my mental health. Connection with others is essentially how we evolved as humans to become who we are today.

  4. Exercise, a healthy diet, and occasional fasting have brought a deeper sense of health and wellness that had eluded me in my 30s and 40

  5. Finding ways to be a little better today than yesterday …. and then sharing this with the community to potentially help them too … brings happiness and a sense of purpose.

With those 5 thoughts, let me leave you with a quote from the Dalai Lama: “The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life!”

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday