5 Thought Friday

We can all live past 110 and I am planning to do so myself, so check out the latest book on longevity!

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing or listening to:

  • Age Later”, Nir Barzilai

  • Barzilai studies 100+ year old individuals to find out what keeps them vibrant so long. Some of the results are surprising, which I will share in a future article or you can just read the book.

  • But just think lots of good cholesterol, growth hormones (IGF-1) and powerful mitochondria (our cell’s energy producers).

2020_08_07 Age Later.png

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • I reached out to a prior boss this week, who literally re-shaped my life in my early 30s. His mentoring put me on a path to wellness and abundance, so I simply let him know how grateful I am for his guidance when I wasn’t quite sure the direction of my career / life.

  • His reply: “Mike, thanks for all the nice things you say. My wife Sharron is impressed. Btw, I had my 88th birthday in May and am in pretty good shape.” As you can see, he is also my inspiration for how to live a long, healthy life with deep relationships!

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • Exercise = Longer Brain Functionality; Gretchen Reynolds explains it a bit more deeply HERE

  • “…..physical activity protects brains and minds from some of the declines that otherwise accompany aging.” …. says it all

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying or whatever else is on my mind:

  • TheMediterraneanDish, a phenomenal website for healthy Mediterranean cooking, inspired our colorful dinner last night.

  • Roasted pumpkin, roasted green beans, beets, tomatoes, radish, mixed greens and goat cheese. Dressing: Dijon mustard, extra virgin olive oil, white wine vinegar and a dash of honey.

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5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “Our maximum potential life span as a species is thought to be about 115 years, but many people die before the age of 80 after suffering from an average of three diseases. So we have 35 extra years that we can realize…” Nir Barzilai, Age Later (p. 187)

  • ….and just think, 115 years old is before the scientific breakthroughs on the medical horizon!

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday