5 Thought Friday

Take control of YOUR morning to elevate your life!

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

2020_11_06 5am club.png

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Grateful that I was able to focus on what I can control this week, even with all the “disinformation” around the US pandemic and elections.

  • Volunteering this past weekend helping kids learn about sustainability and the tips in #3 below were valuable balancing mechanisms! Cintia and Gui, thanks for the invitation to volunteer, all my personal learning about sustainability, and the book tip in #1!

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • U-Can Energy Bars and U-Can Energy Powder

  • Trying to consume low insulin spiking energy for long workout sessions. Recommended by Dr. Peter Attia, but not sure if it works or not. I will be experimenting with U-Can over the next month.

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself. Own your morning. Elevate your life.” Robin Sharma, The 5 AM Club (p. 24) Kindle Edition.

  • Focus on yourself each morning: hydrate, meditate, exercise, stretch, stay off your electronics, eat nothing or eat protein (not carbs), take a cold shower, get some sun!

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday