5 Thought Friday

Happy Friday all,

Glad to have had a rest last Friday and back to sharing a few thoughts, which is invigorated by the fact that I stopped watching the news for several weeks already.

1.       What I am currently reading/viewing:

2.       What is Trending in Finance/Business/Technology/Science:

3.       Wellness ideas to Consider:

  • Focus on what you want to be as an individual during this pandemic and do not let the “hysteria” capture your inner fears.

  • Below is a great graphic my eldest brother shared with me on how we can break out of this mental penitentiary

  • A few things that worked for me, which I shared previously:  stop watching the news (just read the content you control); practice gratitude/empathy; focus on what you can control; don’t dwell in the past.

2020_04_17 Blog.png

4. What I ‘m eating, drinking, buying or whatever else is on my mind:

Today’s Wildcard:

  • House of Dancing Water:  Irene and I have a friend working at the House of Dancing Water, which resumed its show to the public at the end of March

  • She gave us tickets to the show, which we saw on Easter Sunday and I have to say, what a special and magical treat.  While we had seen the show previously, there were < 20 people in the audience and we sat front and center, virtually having a private performance to ourselves. 

  • I want to add that I would never wish to have such a private performance due to this situation, but looking for a few silver linings…this is one of them.  I highly recommend you catch the show ASAP before the border opens up shortly and the crowds resume.

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “Waiting to be happy limits our brain’s potential for success, whereas cultivating positive brains makes us more motivated, efficient, resilient, creative, and productive, which drives performance upward.”  Shawn Achor - The Happiness Advantage

  • This is the complete opposite of what we were taught as children.  To need to work hard, get good grades, then get ahead and be successful…then you will be happy.  Do yourself a favor, toss this theory out …. And focus on your happiness first, then success and personal “riches” will follow.

Happy Friday,



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday