5 Thought Friday

This week is dedicated to fasting and the upcoming Sleep Minder Fasting Challenge. It will be the week of November 21 and is purposely aligned with USA Thanksgiving. Are you in? If you have not done so already, shoot me an email to Mike@Mikescoaching.com to join the challenge.

Before you say “No way” or “I cannot do it”, here are the 3 fasting options for the challenge, reasons why it works, and the realization of just how easy it can be! Just pick one and get out of your comfort zone for a try!

1.       Option 1 - Intermittent Fasting (IF)

  • IF involves fasting for 12 to 22 hours between one day’s final meal and the following day’s first. IF is great for entry-level fasters who want the “minimum effective dose” for general health and improving fat loss or muscle gain efforts.

    Duration: Because IF involves shorter windows of fasting, it is typically safe to practice regularly... Some individuals fast for 16-22 hours every day, while others do better cycling IF every other day. Women may be more sensitive to daily IF, and should exercise caution if experiencing negative side effects (watch THIS video for more information on fasting for women).

    BEGINNER: Start with a 12-14 hour daily fast. For example, finish dinner by 7 pm and do not consume any food until the next day between 7-9 am.

    INTERMEDIATE: Extend the fasting window to 16-18 hours and eat two meals per day in an 8-6 hour window.

    ADVANCED: Extend the fasting window to 20-22 hours and eat one meal per day in a 2-4 hour window.

    Why It Works: IF of 12-16 hours can elevate fat metabolism and growth hormone secretion, leading to improved body composition. It may also be easier to maintain exercise routines during short fasting windows, which can further support body composition.

    Pro Tip: It is not recommended to combine IF with calorie restriction, as the combination can negatively affect hormones. To keep hormones balanced, be sure to consume a normal day’s worth of calories during your feeding window

2.       Option 2: Caloric Liquid Fast (CLF)

  • A CLF involves consuming only low-calorie liquids such as bone broth, fatty coffee, low sugar green juice or smoothies, in addition to non-caloric beverages like water, coffee, and tea. A CLF is an example of a fast that includes calories (such as fast mimicked diet - FMD), but still allows you to reap many health benefits, most notably for digestion and gut health.

    Duration: This type of fasting can typically be done safely for anywhere between 24 hours and several days, although 3-5 days are most common. (Note: this is my preferred method for 3 to 5 days, with help from Irene’s bone broth recipe)

    Why It Works: Many of the liquids listed here, including bone broth and coffee, have beneficial and soothing effects on the gut. When coupled with the intrinsic benefit that fasting has on microbiome diversity and providing a respite for the digestive tract, this type of fast can have a potent effect on the strength of your gut flora and digestion.

    Pro Tip: If you decide to do a CLF with juice or smoothies, make sure they are extremely low in sugar to keep blood glucose stable during the fast. Juice and smoothies should be primarily composed of vegetables, water, healthy fats like coconut and avocado, and low-sugar fruits like berries.

3.       Option 3. Non-caloric liquid fast (NCLF)

  • During an NCLF, only non-caloric beverages like water, black coffee, and tea are consumed. Some individuals stick to just water during this kind of fast, but whether or not strict water fast provides more benefits is unclear in the research at this time. In fact, polyphenol-rich beverages like coffee or tea during a fast may actually enhance some of the benefits of fasting, not to mention make it mentally easier for most of us coffee lovers! (I did a few 2 and 3 day NCLF this year and these are quite exhilarating. I felt very good for days after breaking the fast. More on breaking our fasts during fasting week).

    Duration: NCLF can be practiced for anywhere between 24 hours and several days. Typically, the longer you engage in this type of fast, the deeper the body gets into cellular cleansing. However, strict fasts should only be conducted by healthy individuals under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Be sure to consult with your physician before trying a multi-day NCLF.

    Why It Works: Autophagy kicks in between 12 and 16 hours into a fast and is slowed by the intake of calories. Longer fasts with zero-calorie intake enhance the autophagic process and provide your cells more time to regenerate and optimize their function.

    Pro Tip: NCLF can lead to electrolyte imbalances, especially if done for extended periods of time and/or when combined with excessive sweating. Ensure you’re getting adequate minerals by adding ½-1 tsp per day of quality sea salt to your water. Alternatively, you can supplement with electrolytes or trace minerals, but be sure it’s a formulation that doesn’t include added calories or sugar. (I normally add potassium and magnesium supplements to my fasting weeks).

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Lilies: Perfect way to provide the ideal environment for fasting! Actually, that is vastly stretching the truth but they are beautiful, spark joy, and smell magnificent…..so why not?

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “Everyone can perform magic, everyone can reach their goals, if
    they are able to think, if they are able to wait, if they are able to fast.”; Hermann Hesse, German Author

  • What more can be said? If you want to reach your goals, then FAST!

Happy Friday and thank you Kion for some of the info above!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday