5 Thought Friday

Random acts of kindness make others feel better but guess what, they totally boomerang to make you feel WAY BETTER.

Here are 5 Thoughts for the week, which I emphasize “give it a try”!

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

2021_08_27 Change Maker.png

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Grateful for all the fun my wife and kids had with the 48-hour “Mike’s family challenge”. Here’s how the challenge works:

    • Send a fixed amount of money, for example $50 or $100, to each participant- my wife and daughters in this challenge. It can be family or friends or even a stranger.

    • Give them 48 hours to spend it on something they would normally not purchase; no questions asked and no judgment.

    • Then watch all the excitement and fun ideas surface.

    • “The Catch” for participating: Simple, pay it forward later.

    • Give it a try!

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • I will be signing up for a nutrition certification course and was researching which to choose. I caught this tip from Precision Nutrition on mindful eating, so here’s how it works:

    1. Sit at a table, with no other distractions. No smartphone, no TV, no tablet, no work, no newspaper. Just you and the food.

    2. Look at what you’re about to eat. Notice what you’ve chosen.

    3. Take a bite of food. Chew slowly. Notice the scent, taste, texture, and temperature.

    4. Put your utensils down. Pause.

    5. Take a few deep, slow breaths. Consciously relax your body.

    6. Check in: What, if anything, do you sense physically? What, if anything, do you feel emotionally? What are you thinking?

    7. Take another bite of food. Again, notice the food’s characteristics.

    8. Put your utensils down again. Again, take a few deep, slow breaths and relax.

    9. Check in again. Notice any physical sensations, emotions, or thoughts that come up.

    10. Give it a try!

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • I bought Magnesium Threonate and L-Theanine for a new 3-part sleep cocktail I will experiment with. I still need to buy Apigenin (chamomile tea extract) to round out the trio. This is recommended by Andrew Huberman, an accredited neuroscientist, which I have quoted previously. I will let everyone know how it worked for me once I start testing the mixture.

  • “Cocktail of 50 milligrams of apigenin, and 300 to 400 milligrams of magnesium threonate, and 200 to 400 milligrams of theanine, for me has been the best way to consistently fall asleep quickly and stay asleep most, if not the entire night, which for me is about seven, eight hours. And, of course, I’m not a physician, I’m a scientist. Everyone needs to figure out what’s right for them.” Andrew Huberman

  • I agree, see a physician before trying any of these and also experiment yourself on what is right for you. Once you get clearance, give it a try!

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • Visited a small Portuguese bakery and decided to pay for the order of the elderly gentleman in front of me. Here is how the conversation went:

  • Man: “Why would you buy my items?”

  • Me: “Because I am having an amazing day and wanted to share that with you!”

  • Man: (with a classic bewildered look on face) “and you do not want anything in return?”

  • Me: “Well, actually I do. I only ask that you pay it forward the next time you are in a bakery or coffee shop.”

  • Man: (with a giant smile on his face) “Thank you”

  • Cashier: “Did you know him?”

  • Me: “No”

  • Cashier: “Wow, that was really nice and he seemed so happy"!”

  • It was the best US$ 9 I spent all month. Of course, you know what comes next, “Give it a try”….hahaha.

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday