5 Thought Friday

Here are 5 Thoughts for the week! Check out the book in #1 and the quote in #5…although it’s more of a philosophy to change your mindset (and life)!

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

  • Mindset; The New Psychology of Success - Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D.

  • The Premise: After decades of research, world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., discovered a simple but groundbreaking idea: the power of mindset. In this brilliant book, she shows how success in school, work, sports, the arts, and almost every area of human endeavor can be dramatically influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities. People with a fixed mindset—those who believe that abilities are fixed—are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset—those who believe that abilities can be developed.

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Grateful to see four co-workers who recently left bounce higher in their life’s journey.

  • I have taken 2 sabbaticals from work totaling almost 2 years. I know that with a positive growth mindset and belief in one’s self, there is always an open door to continue passing through life’s journey!

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • Spring Clean Your Brain - read this NYT article to see 5 ways to relieve stress and anxiety. These 5 tips are exactly how I manage my mental framework daily:

    • Practice mindfulness

    • Journal

    • Reduce information overload

    • Declutter your physical space

    • Reconnect with the people you love

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Fresh, organic salad with lemon/olive oil dressing!

  • Hydroponic Holland tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, yellow/red mini bell peppers, and various leafy greens!

  • Tomatoes were US$14/LB or US$31/KG as prices rise due to logistics issues across Europe. Still trying to stick to healthy eating even with inflation hitting, but may have to fast more (smile).

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “For thirty years, my research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things you value. Believing that your qualities are carved in stone—the fixed mindset—creates an urgency to prove yourself over and over. Every situation is evaluated: Will I succeed or fail? Will I look smart or dumb? Will I be accepted or rejected? Will I feel like a winner or a loser? But doesn’t our society value intelligence, personality, and character? Isn’t it normal to want these traits? Yes, but…”

  • There’s another mindset in which these traits are not simply a hand you’re dealt and have to live with….a growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts, your strategies, and help from others. Although people may differ in every which way—in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments—everyone can change and grow through application and experience.”

  • “The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives.” Carol Dweck, Mindset

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday