5 Thought Friday

Annual physical results are in and a few minor items to work on. Check out several ideas in Thought #3. Here are my 5 Thoughts for the week:

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

  • Extra Life, Steven Johnson

  • Since I am focusing on longevity, learning more about the history of how humans began to live longer could be a useful foundation.

  • Recommended by my long-time friend, Dan, an avid 5 Thought Friday reader and contributor.

2021_07_23 Longevity book.png

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Super grateful for all the positive/constructive feedback on last week's 5 Thought video titled OWN YOUR DAY. For those of you who missed it, my 5 go-to actions first thing in the morning:

    • Hydrate

    • Meditate

    • Move

    • Get sunshine / Vitamin D

    • Focus on family, friends, pets, self

      • Don’t lie in bed, pick up your mobile, watch TV or binge on refined carbs.

2021_07_16 Own Your Day1.jpg

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • Annual physical results are in and major items like cholesterol and blood panel are good. The doctor was also gentle with the rubber glove, so no issues there either (hahaha).

  • As for body fat, I got my DEXA scan and bone density was fine but my body fat is on the high end of acceptable (24%), especially in the trunk area. Planning to remove about 2 to 3kg (5 to 7 pounds) of fat and add lean muscle by:

    • Changing my workout to include weight training on major body parts; legs, back, chest. I will be reducing some bands and arm work since my arms were lean per the DEXA scan.

    • Add 30 to 40 grams of protein on workout days including a vegan protein shake within 30 minutes of my workout to fuel the muscle growth. Previously I was fasting.

    • Reducing carbs and fasting 1 day per week on non-workout days.

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Jackfruit Seeds (boiled for at least 30 minutes) - High in protein, iron, and anti-oxidants. It’s the first time I have eaten these and love the flavor.

  • Caution: There are two “camps” on the benefits of the seeds; Camp 1 researchers say “amazing” and Camp 2 noted the seeds are toxic if not prepared properly or if consumed in combination with certain medications.

  • I am in Camp 1.5, eating small quantities every few days.

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “Oh my god (laughter, tears)! Oh my god, what does it mean?” - Min 2:30 to 2:50 of THIS short 3-minute video.

  • Planning to drink a beautiful double magnum of Portuguese wine for a friend’s birthday this weekend. It reminded me of this 10+-year-old viral video from the internet that always lifts my spirit…Double Rainbow. Most of you may have seen it, but it’s still worth a nostalgic view.

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday