5 Thought Friday

Focusing on clearing my mind of the stresses; here are 5 Thoughts for the week!

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

  • Clear Mind Clean Body; Tara Stiles

  • Summary: Most of us are constantly plugged in and stressed out—tethered to our phones and e-mail, overworked and inactive at our desk jobs, and out of touch with what our bodies and our brains really need. Clean Mind, Clean Body is the ultimate reset button, an immersive experience in mental and physical self-care that will transform your daily routine and your habits.

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Grateful for the incredibly positive mental space I have been in lately seeing forward progress with close family, friends, and coaching clients. Hoping this book in #1 above can take me to the next small, incremental level.

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • Tara Stiles provides a list of items we need to clean up in our lives to be able to live physically healthier. “Duh” will be one word you may use when you read this list below, but how many of us follow these steps consistently? Well, not me but getting better by the day:

  • MENTAL CLEANSE: Eliminate toxic relationships, create a home sanctuary, and unplug from devices.

  • SPIRITUAL CLEANSE: Establish a meditation practice, slow down, and live with intention (in the present moment).

  • CHANGE THE WAY YOU EAT: Embrace a varied diet, eat clean, and love your body.

  • CHANGE THE WAY YOU MOVE: Redefine exercise, get outside, and embrace the power of rest

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Flowers: Bought 3 bouquets of flowers this week for friends (and for ourselves - YES, more Lillies). A simple, yet beautiful way to say “happy birthday”, “thank you” or perhaps “I need some self-care!”

  • Just taking this photo and smelling the Lillies brought such calm and joy. Also, we were perplexed when we had one unusual white Lilly appear amongst all its “pink” friends. Albino Lilly possibly in the photo below?

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “A healthy mind is the key factor for a healthy body . . . wellness must include a happy mind.” His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

  • Tara Stiles book really makes sense, especially when you consider how impactful stress and related inflammation is on the body.

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday