5 Thought Friday

I had surgery this week to remove 5 skin growths as a pre-emptive strike against skin cancer (see #2 and pics in #3 below). I am sharing this personal experience with the hope of helping others. Here are 5 thoughts:

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

  • Tim Ferriss podcast with Dr. Peter Attia on longevity, fasting, cancer testing, and more. Both are two of my go-to gurus for longevity and I realized how much more I really need to learn!!!!

  • I watched at 1.5x speed (a few highlights - min 30:00 on fasting, min 1:28:45 on Rapamycin, and 1:58:00 on Dry Saunas - 4x per week for 20 min @ 80 degrees C/176 F)

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Grateful for family, friends, and co-workers who have rallied around me when they heard about my recent surgery.

  • I am still focused on my target of living to 110 (yes, that is in years old) and a key factor is having a positive community around you…so thanks for caring, everyone!

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • Get checked and collect health data on yourself. I did this to catch potentially cancerous growths early!

  • “Healthier with Data” is an article I wrote where you can find helpful tips to gather data for improving your long-term health.

  • Here is a photo of my new “eye” look and the two little “buggers” off for biopsy.

2021_06_18 Preemptive strike.png

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Bought a new video-making kit (tripod, light, mobile phone holder) for my website. Planning on making videos around longevity and improving your healthspan. See the photo below!

  • Videos or vlogging anyone?

2021_06_18 video system.JPG

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “Too much light blinds the eye; too much noise deafens the ear; too many spices dull the taste; too much exercise weakens the body; the pursuit of great riches leads to ruin. The wise attend to the inner truth of things and are not fooled by outward appearances. They ignore matter and seek the spirit.” Lao Tzu; Tao Te Ching

  • Reading excerpts from the “Tao” always grounds me mentally

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday