5 Thought Friday

Get Ready! Fasting prep work this week, so we can all get ready (mentally and physically) for our November fasting challenge.

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

  • Andrew Huberman Podcast - Effects of Fasting & Time Restricted Eating on Fat Loss & Health 

  • Wow, this is a must-listen podcast for those interested in understanding the benefits of fasting (aka time-restricted feeding). I watched at 1.5x with some key highlights if you are short on time:

    • 2:11:00 to 2:24:00; Great summary of the keys to time-restricted feeding (1) do not take in food within the first hour of waking, (2) no food within a minimum of 2 hours before bed, and (3) make your time-restricted feeding schedule realistic so it can be done consistently.

    • 1:04:00; If the goal is to build muscle, eat protein early in the day (~10 am).

    • 1:28:00; Fasting helps the gut biome and the gut lining to thrive

    • ….and there are so many other gems in this podcast, I highly recommend this as some of these tools are the lynchpin to more energy and a longer lifespan.

    • Thank you Sleep Minder community for sharing this one with me!

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Grateful for the fantastic news that my second pre-cancer skin removal results showed no cancer growth. A few of the growths had the potential to turn cancerous over time, so super glad I took the early action! Thanks for all the concern from the community on my initial post!

  • Today’s Recommendation: Get Checked!

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • A bit of Stoic Zen to help manage one’s mind - 7 Stoic DONTs

    • Don’t be overheard complaining…even to yourself

    • Don’t talk more than you listen

    • Don’t tie your identity to “things” you own

    • Don’t compare yourself to others

    • Don’t suffer imagined troubles

    • Don’t judge others

    • Don’t overindulge in food or drink

  • Wowsa, I have some internal work to do here! How about you?

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Download Zero APP; IOS or Android versions available

  • If you are joining the Sleep Minder community’s November fast, please download. The free version gives us enough choices to manage our daily fasting.

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “When we set things up and approach them in the right way, that defines our experience.” Andy Puddicombe, Headspace APP creator

  • He spoke this in the context of finding your higher-level self by enhancing your mental focus on the things that are important to you. I find this so important when creating the space mentally I need to move forward in a positive, authentic, and mentally centered way.

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday