5 Thought Friday

Here are 5 meditative Thoughts for the week! I have dedicated this week to meditation as I achieved my goal of 365 continuous days of meditation. A new PB (personal best)!

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

  • Beginners Guide to Meditation - Martha Stewart Living

  • This article provides a very simple step-by-step formula to getting started. Personally, I use the Headspace App, which makes it quite easy for me to find focus and connect in the present moment with my breath.

  • Check out the quote in #5 below…i.e. there is no possible way to “fail” when meditating. How cool is that?!

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Grateful for my 1 year of continuous meditation accomplishment that I am celebrating today with all of you. Irene has been a great supporter of my daily practice, which I am also grateful for.

  • Check out my screenshot HERE on the eve of the 365 day milestone!

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • Why is meditation so important to me and what are the benefits? Check out this article, with 12 key points:

    • Reduces stress

    • Controls anxiety

    • Promotes emotional health

    • Enhances self-awareness

    • Lengthens attention span

    • May reduce age-related memory loss

    • Can generate kindness

    • May help fight addictions

    • Improves sleep

    • Helps control pain

    • Can decrease blood pressure

    • Accessible anywhere

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • The Transformative Nature of Mindfulness: Sam Harris, Neurologist, on Dr. Peter Attia Podcast

  • Excellent dive into the power of meditation (just skip the parts at the end on political thoughts). If you have limited time, listen at 1.5x from minutes 7:45 to 1:00:00, which touches on:

    • Broad types of meditation and meditation apps (7:45)

    • Management of pain using meditation (13:15)

    • Happiness through meditation (23:00)

    • The disease of distraction and difficulties in learning meditation (31:00)

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “The most important thing those new to meditation need to know is that you can't do anything wrong, and you certainly can't fail. Meditation is about connecting with your breath. It's about being present and disengaging from the mental chatter in your head—those distracting, incessant, and uncontrollable daily thoughts." Susie Levan, Life Coach (smile) and meditation teacher.

  • Cannot fail, amazing benefits, becoming more focused on the present moment….give it a try!

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday