5 Thought Friday

Dr. Matthew Walker on Dr. Peter Attia’s podcast. What you will learn from Dr. Walker is positively life-changing!

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

  • Podcast:  Dr. Matthew Walker with Peter Attia

  • I love Dr. Matthew Walker. This podcast is on sleep science and how to improve your sleep. I listened at 1.7x and it was very easy to follow

  • See #3 below for wellness tips and the book below, which I recommend you read from Dr. Walker.

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Grateful for being able to meet more industry colleagues and spend more time with individuals here in Macau. Irene and I were always traveling on weekends, but with the current travel restrictions, it’s nice to be able to spend more time with local friends/colleagues.

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • Dr. Walker’s 5 top sleep tips (minutes 57:30 to 1:06:00 in #1 podcast)

    • Go to sleep at the same time each night

    • It should be dark in the bedroom at night and get sunlight early in the day (Vitamin D)

    • The temperature must be cool

    • Do not stay in bed if you are awake

    • Do not drink alcohol or coffee in the afternoon/evening … Sorry!

  • Here were his bonus tips:

    • Develop a wind-down routine in your schedule at night to get your mind prepared to sleep

    • Remove all clock faces from your bedroom. Knowing the time triggers anxiety about not being able to get to sleep or back to sleep.

    • Try to keep technology out of the bedroom and do not use your phone when you wake up for first hour. It creates anticipatory anxiety the night before creating lighter sleep. It also delays sleep time when you check your phone just prior to sleeping.

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Best investment of the week!!!

  • I have to admit I love my Apple Airpod Pros but a bit disappointed as they kept falling out of my ears while running or at the gym.

  • Then I found these covers on TaoBao (US$5) and Amazon (US$9), which really improved my experience….and they now fit perfectly! I bought the white color from Amazon and black off of TaoBao

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “At the end of the day, it isn’t about money, it’s about time—and how to use it wisely to live the best life possible.” Kristy Shen, Quit Like a Millionaire

  • I read this book last year and recommended it to a friend this week. It’s about how to (a) regularly invest your money over time and (b) more importantly, focus on experiences vs. things to have a more meaningful life.

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday