5 Thought Friday

From brain hacking to Peet’s coffee. Here are 5 Thoughts for the week:

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

  • Biohack Your Brain: How to Boost Cognitive Health, Performance & Power; Kristen Willenumier, UCLA Neuroscientist

  • The summary: Dr. Kristen Willeumier reveals how you can change your brain by making simple and easy modifications to your lifestyle. Combining clinical experience with revolutionary science, biohacking your brain can boost your cognitive performance and so much more.

  • Totally my kinda book to catch 1 or 2 key learnings to improve my overall healthspan!

2021_09_10 Biohack Brain.png

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Super excited and totally grateful to receive my all-time favorite coffee beans (Peet’s Coffee) from a coaching client.

  • See #4 for all the benefits of (black) coffee

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • Caught these 5 keys to positive change from author Jon Gordon, which were the basis of much of my positive transformation:

    • Control What You Can Control - It's simple but it's true. You can't control what people are saying and thinking about you. You can't control most things in life but you can control your attitude, your effort, and your actions.

    • Create Inside-Out - The noise, media, negativity, and criticism only have power over you if you let it. If you know the truth that you create from the inside-out, not outside in, then you won't let your circumstances define you. When you know the power is on the inside and you create the world with your beliefs, passion, positivity, purpose, work ethic, soul, and spirit you become a powerful force in the world.

    • Focus on Solutions instead of Complaints - When things are not going well and you are being bombarded with negativity it's easy to complain. But inspired individuals focus on solutions. Instead of focusing on where you are, think about where you want to go and what you want to create (i.e. your personal vision). Instead of complaining about what’s holding you back, think about solutions that will propel you forward.

    • Embrace Change - There's a myth that people don't like change but we actually like what change produces. Throughout history, we see that individuals that embrace the waves of change ride it to a successful future. Those who resist the wave get crushed by it.

    • Stay Positive and Do the Work - It may sound cliché but it’s a huge key to success. Through challenges, adversity, and negativity you must simply stay positive and continue to focus on the tasks at hand.

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Peet’s Coffee; Why? Well, it tastes amazing plus here are 5 health benefits of drinking coffee (caveat: these benefits occur when there are minimal or no sugars/creamers…sorry).

    • It gives your brain a jolt of energy

    • It’s rich in essential nutrients

    • It’s packed with antioxidants

    • It’s a great pre-workout beverage (yes, it is my go-to before every workout in addition to an empty stomach)

    • It May help with seasonal allergies (honestly, I have never heard of this before reading this article)

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “Your brain is what makes you you—unique, beautiful, and blessed to be alive….and that no matter what the current state of your brain health is, you have the power to biohack your brain and improve its function.” Kristen Willeumier, Biohack Your Brain

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday