5 Thought Friday

After 5 years of writing my weekly 5 Thought Friday blog, I have decided to take an indefinite pause. Here are my 5 thoughts about the break:

  1. I made a year-end 2022 assessment of where and how I want to spend my time, and my blog didn’t make the “cut”. 100 hours annually or ~5% of my free time after sleep and a full-time job was utilized writing the blog, which I plan to shift elsewhere.

  2. I was not finding the same joy in writing the blog that I have in the past. Please take a look at Lulu’s reaction HERE when I let her know the news.

  3. I plan to spend the extra time improving my personal leadership and leadership coaching program (so look out for that on LinkedIn and please connect with me on LinkedIn @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikescoaching/ ). I will also spend more time traveling and exploring the world (smile).

  4. I am so grateful for all the wonderful comments and support for my blog and appreciate all of your valuable time spent reading my thoughts over the years.

  5. Here is a quote I told myself today: “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” Dr. Seuss

Happy Friday and please keep in touch @ mike@mikescoaching.com !!!



5 Thought Friday