5 Thought Friday

Here are 5 Thoughts around energetic leadership!

1.       What I am currently reading, viewing, or listening to:

  • I am taking an advanced life coaching course called “COR.E Leadership Dynamics”. While the course is about being the best, most energetic leader you can be, it can be applied to all aspects of life. Therefore, I wanted to share an important construct I learned.

  • As leaders, you can create your own “Success Formula” by managing/balancing 6 areas that influence your energy and become an amazing leader. These include:

    • Spiritual: Stay connected to the mission of the company and your own personal vision/mission

    • Mental: Stay focused and undistracted

    • Emotional: No matter what happens, remain calm

    • Physical: Get the right amount of sleep, eat healthily, exercise, and stay loose/relaxed

    • Social: Remember to enjoy those you are with and be non-judgemental

    • Environmental: Keep a clean neat work area and always take a moment to notice the beauty around you

2.       Gratitude Practice (for improved happiness):

  • Grateful to all my motivational life coaching classmates and friends with a special callout to Sanaz for inspiring me to take the advanced COR.E Leadership Dynamics training.

3.       Wellness ideas to consider:

  • Visualization: Can you visualize yourself as a great leader performing to your highest potential by managing and balancing your six energy influencers (see #1 above). Here is an example matra for a high-energy leader:

  • “As an amazing leader, I am always in control, always flexible, and always present. I am always confident and, regardless of any result, never lose that confidence. I am sharp, playful, fully engaged, and extremely powerful. I live the process of mastery, which means I am always learning and growing. I know there is no measurable goal for success; success and greatness are a process and a never-ending one.

  • I walk the talk and embody excellence. I inspire others with my attitude and energy. I live by a philosophy that embraces body, mind, and spirit. I live by more core vision/mission and continue to develop as a leader and as a human being.”

4. What I’m eating, drinking, buying, or whatever else is on my mind:

  • Here is what else is on my mind around this topic of leadership. As a great leader, there are 10 core disciplines to aspire to including:

    • Constant awareness

    • Accepting what is

    • Making conscious choices

    • Trusting the process

    • Being authentic

    • Fearlessness

    • Confidence

    • Having a sense of connection

    • Being present in the moment

    • 100% energetically engaged

5. Quote(s) I am Pondering:

  • “Ultimate performance requires complete freedom from distraction.”

  • “If you are thinking about the past or the future, you are not playing full out in the here and now.”

  • “Reaching our potential requires anabolic energy and full spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, environmental, and social engagement.”

Footnote: The above quotes/concepts are from iPEC - Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching - including several of their foundation principles, quoted in #5.

Happy Friday!



5 Thought Friday


5 Thought Friday